Tuesday, June 23, 2009

10 days old

All three babies are doing great! Parks has improved so much, so quickly. He is breathing on his own without any assistance. His breathing rate has slowed down and become more regular. He is getting all of his nutrition from feedings and no longer has an IV. He is so happy when he gets to be held with his sisters.

Nora and Eva are also cruising right along. Eva has surpassed her birth weight. Nora has too. They also seem the happiest when they are held together with their brother Parks.

Will is still doing well considering the NICU won't allow him to see his brother and sisters. (The rule is you must be three years old, and he is 2 yrs and 9 mo old.) I am very sad that they have been so inflexible on this, and I am hoping they will change their mind eventually (especially since this is expected to go on for a month or more!) Will asks about the babies all the time and keeps asking about when they will get to come home. He has said that he would really like to help give the babies their baths, and feed them bottles.


  1. Hi Laura, Steve and Will:
    I am so happy for your family...how beautiful! Glad to hear all of the little ones are coming along so well! You are in my thoughts and prayers. PS...just had to say...that hat the Nora had on was absolutely adorable! Thank you so much for posting the pictures, so we can all see the new babies, you, Steve and Will!
    Love to all,
    Shari Wit

  2. Found your blog by chance and have enjoyed following it.
    Is there a window or some way for Will to look in on his new siblings without actually being in their 'room'? Perhaps there is a creative way for you and the nurses to make it happen without actually breaking the rules. Glad to know the babies are doing well.

  3. This is such great news! They look so adorable all snuggled up to one another!!! We are so happy that all three babies are doing well and can't wait to MEET them! - Nick and Aimee Limpach

  4. Absolutely precious picture!
