Sunday, June 27, 2010

One Year Check-Up (and shots)

The babies had the one year old well baby exams on Friday. Everyone is doing well. The girls are now on the growth chart for weight and continued along their curve for height and head circumference. They are both the same height (18th percentile). Nora weighs 17lbs 15 oz and is in the 5th percentile for weight. Eva weighed three ounces more, 18lbs 2 oz, and is in the 6th percentile for weight. Parks weighs 19 lbs 1 oz (3rd percentile) and was in the 60th percentile for height.

Their little personalities are really shining through. Parks is such a ham. He loves to chatter away to anyone who will have a "conversation" with him. He did all of his tricks at the doctors big, pat-a-cake, barking when asked, "What does a doggie say?" He laughed the entire time he was being weighed and measured because he loves dancing while his diaper is off!

Parksey is the spokesperson for the trio, Nora is the supervisor. She scoots all around pointing and "talking" to Parks, Eva, Will, and even Chloe. She loves the dog so much! She has the most contagious little laugh.

Eva-the-diva is such a little firecracker! She can crawl at lightening fast speeds. She does a great job standing. She pulls herself up on any furniture she can get to. If Parks tries to take her toy she fights right back. In fact, I often have to separate the two to keep them from biting one another! She has such a wonderful belly laugh. It is the sweetest sound!

Will has taken a strong interest in golf. He has a his own junior clubs and golf bag. He begs constantly to go to the golf course or driving range. He knows all the lingo and the players. A few weeks ago he turned to me and said, "I love you Mom........and also I love Phil Mickelson." He has a golf hole and green in the back yard. He convinced a family friend to try to play with him. When they came inside he announced, "She got a double bogey." He also warned her to keep it out of the "bunker" and pointed at the landscaping along the back of the fence.

Will enjoyed playing soccer on Saturdays with his YMCA team. He is now playing tee ball. All four kiddos keep us hopping!

1 comment:

  1. Great to hear they are all doing so good. Time seems to go too fast sometimes!
