Wednesday, March 25, 2009

21 Weeks

I had my 21 week visit on Tuesday. Everything looked great. The babies are getting really big. The doctor and ultrasound technician said that each baby is the same size as a singleton baby at 21 weeks! (This means that I am 3x the size of normal pregnant woman at 21 weeks.) The babies had healthy heart rates, and they are all very active.
I had one little scare after suffering from some gastrointestinal problems, and had to spend the day in the hospital Saturday being monitored to make sure I wasn't going into labor. I was feeling much better by Saturday night, and since I wasn't having any contractions, and the babies looked great, they let me go home. Will enjoyed spending the night with his Grammie and Grandpa Saturday night. Steve and I just enjoyed a quiet evening at home.
I will post some new pictures soon. (At this rate I am going to need a panoramic camera to get a belly shot!)
Steve and I are still having trouble thinking of baby names (one boy, two girls). I would love suggestions if you have any!


  1. I just hope you stay well and healthy along with those three babies, pray for you all the time. Gave your Dad all of our family names I could think of. Know there are lots more out there.
    All our Love, Gramma & Grampa B.

  2. How about Larry, Moe, and Curly
    Glad to see you each day at school.
