Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Week 19

My appointment went well. The doctor and the ultrasound technician still think that there is one boy and two girls. They have not been able to get a clear shot of one of the babies that they think is a girl. I wish I knew when they were going to know for sure! I don't like any ambiguity.

The babies all looked very big! I can't believe they will be growing for (hopefully) another 15 weeks. My heart rate was a little high (but the doctor didn't seem worried) and my blood pressure was just right. All three babies had perfect heart rates and were very active. This was my first ultrasound appointment without Steve. He stayed home from work and the appointment Tuesday to take care of Will who was home with pink eye, but is on the mend (although he screams like a banshee every time he has to have his eye drops, and then tells us afterward that it didn't hurt). He's a character.

In other news.....we bought a huge new (used) vehicle this weekend. We bought a white 2008 Ford Expedition EL (it is like a normal Expedition, but longer). We are getting rid of the Honda Pilot. We needed something big enough for two adults and all four car seats. It seats eight. I told Steve, "That's great! We can have two more kids after the triplets are born." He didn't think that was very funny.

Will loves the new SUV/truck. Although on his first ride he asked where the DVD player was. (He has also asked about a DVD player on every subsequent ride.) Steve and I would like to have one installed. Will also asked if it was his "school bus." His Daddy proudly announced that it is not a bus, it is a truck. So...Will now calls it his "truckbus." I included a few pictures so you can see what our new ride looks like.

I didn't get any of the new ultrasound pictures on CD from my visit this week, so I will include a belly picture from week 18, (I am wearing the same outfit I had on for my previous pictures for objectivity's sake).

1 comment:

  1. Hey Laura,
    I just caught up on the last 4 entries. It looks like you are doing great. Sweet truckbus by the way.

    I was in Colorado for Spring Break... I guess that was kind of close to Nebraska. Glad to get caught up on the triplets.
