Sunday, May 24, 2009

29 weeks and 5 days

They did a scan yesterday morning. Steve stayed the night with me at the hospital and he was able to be here for the ultrasound. Will stayed with Nana and Grandpa. The docs said that the fluid the around babies was low, so they had to discontinue one of the contraction stopping medicines that can cause the fluid level to diminish. I was told that once that medicine was stopped the fluid levels will replenish themselves.
Baby B (the boy) is still the biggest. Baby girl C is now bigger than Baby girl A. Baby girl A is the smallest. They all looked very crowded, but happy. I only had one small contraction last night. The doctors were very pleased about my lack of contractions.
Will has had so much fun with his Nana and Grandpa. Nana let him dress himself yesterday. When he showed up at the hospital I couldn't help but laugh. He looked so silly. He wore a soccer shirt that was far too small and a pair of Nike workout style pants. I am just glad Nana convinced him to take off the shorts that he wanted to wear over the pants! Still he seemed very proud of his selection.
He makes me so happy every time he visits. He kisses my belly three times before he leaves and assures me he got each baby because, as he puts it, "they are all lined up." I don't know where he gets this stuff.
The nurses get a kick out of him too. He is always very inquiring about what they are doing. I have been so lucky to have the best nurses in world. They make my stay so much more bearable. They even took the time to make me a personalized, poster size, calendar that they hung on the wall across from my bed. I can't believe that there is a real possibility that Steve could be a father of four by the time father's day rolls around on the 21st!

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