Saturday, May 16, 2009


Well, I had to be admitted on Wednesday (May 13th). I was having too many contractions and there had been changes in my cervical length that indicated things were moving along too fast. The oral medication was not stopping labor. This was extremeley disappointing to me.
They started me on Magnesium Sulfate by IV which is some really nasty stuff. Although, it makes me feel has stopped the contractions. It looks like I will be in here until I deliver.
I miss Steve and Will terribly. I also miss my naps with Chloe. Fortunately for me, Steve and Will have been able to come and see me everyday. They have been bringing their dinner so that we can all eat together, which has been wonderful. Will has quickly become attached to the hospital Jello.
I am in room 908 at Methodist Hospital. They may move me to a different room after a bit (this one is quite small for someone who is looking at a six week stay) but for now, the number to my room is 402-354-3908. I have loved hearing from everyone, so feel free to call me. Thank you so much for your continued prayers, love, and support.


  1. Hey Laura!
    I got your blog from Julene--I think it's so cool that you are having triplets. I'm sorry you had to be hospitalized, but I am praying for you and hope you are doing ok! I know it has to be hard for you being there away from Will & Steve! Hang in there!!

  2. Hi Laura,
    Oh how you've been in my thoughts and prayers! It takes a lot of strength and patience (and in my experience, a LOT of prayer!)being a Mom. These long days of bed rest will soon come to an end and there will be LOTS of JOY and CELEBRATION with the arrival of your triplets! You and Steve are going to be wonderful parents to these precious little babies. And Will is going to be a fantastic big brother! You're giving your babies the best care...keep it up and hang in there!

    Love & Hugs,
