Laura had a doctors appointment yesterday at 2:00. We went to the doctor and had our normal check up. The doctor looked at the kiddos on the ultra sound and took some measurements and weights. The doctor thought everything looked good. He was a little concerned about the two girls still being small, but nothing too serious. Then the doctor checked and Laura was dilated to 5 cm. The doctor took one look at Laura and said, "Girl, you're going to have some babies in about an hour."
The next hour or two just flew by and the details are still a little fuzzy in my head. They quickly wheeled Laura to the delivery room, scrubbed her down, and prepared her for surgery. I did my best to impersonate a doctor and put on my scrubs (I could get used to the idea of wearing scrubs). Since we were just going for a doctors visit, we were not prepared at all for delivery. I had to call my mom to bring me a camera. Luckily she got there right before they moved Laura into the surgery room.
There were a ton of people in the room. There were four people for each baby (3 nurses from the NICU and a respiratory specialist). Then about 5 people for Laura. The two girls came first, then the boy.
Nora Louise born at 4:43 PM, 3 lbs 14 oz., and 16.5" long.
Eva Marie born at 4:44 PM, 3 lbs 9 oz., and 16.5" long.
Parks Joseph born at 4:45 PM, 4 lbs 9 oz., and 17" long.
The kids are doing well in the NICU at Children's Hospital in Omaha. Nora is doing the best. She has not needed any assistance breathing. Eva was put on a ventilator, but quickly pulled the tube out of her throat. So they decided to keep her off the ventilator, and have her on oxygen. Parks was on a ventilator until 8:00 this morning. He is now only on oxygen.
All the kids are beautiful. Nora and Eva have full heads of dark, dark hair. Parks has a full head of lighter hair, very similar to what Will's hair looked like when he was born. We'll attach some pictures and try to keep up on the updates.
It's been a whirlwind of events, but we are blessed to have three healthy new babies.
Almost forgot... Laura is also doing well. She was fantastic through the whole C-section. She is sore today, but I think she is recovering great!
In the pictures below: Nora has the pink hat, Eva has the striped hat, and Parks has the blue hat.