Friday, February 13, 2009


My last appointment went very well. So well that Dr. Robertson said I can skip my appointment for next week and come back in two weeks. All three babies looked very healthy and are getting bigger by the day.
I am feeling pretty good. I am must have entered what Dr. Robertson calls the "honeymoon stage." This is the stage after the nausea but before you get SO BIG that you are really uncomfortable.
Will is as cute as ever. This week he enjoyed going with his Grandpa Scott to pick up his Grammie from school and eat dinner at their house. He had a wonderful time, and he has been chattering about it ever since. On Wednesday he was very excited to go and get his haircut (mainly because he gets a lollipop afterward). His new 'do looks very handsome. We ended the week with the best part of all........we got to stay home together today for a snow day!
We did not get any triplet ultrasound pictures to take home from our last doctor's appointment so I decided to post some belly pictures. Will wanted to join in too. He was very excited to get a big kick from one of the babies. The babies love him already. (They must be very smart babies:)


  1. Laura,
    You look GREAT! Thanks so much for posting updates and pictures. We hate being so far away. This let's us share in some of the excitement.
    Sending love to you and your family,
    Aunt Teresa

  2. Hi Laura! You look so beautiful & Will is such a cutie! I was so excited when Billy told me the news about your babies. Keep us posted on your progess. I can't wait to meet my future little cousins!



  3. Hi Laura,
    My family kept going on about how pretty you look, so I knew I needed to check out your post. I love when you quote him, he seems very funny and clever.
    love Billy Ben
